About Me
People who don't know me always say i appear very Dao and cold like Ice-Queen. But for those who know me, they can read me like an open book.

Singapore Airline

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Tuesday, January 24, 2006

You Are A: Bear Cub!

bear cubBears are strong and independent creatures who roam in the forest in search of food. Bears are usually gentle, but anger one and be prepared for their full fury! You're tough, you won't back down from a fight, you have a bit of a temper -- classic attributes of a bear. Intelligent and resourceful, though lazy at times, you are a fascinating creature of the wild.

You were almost a: Monkey or a Kitten
You are least like a: Chipmunk or a LambWhat Cute Animal Are You?

Sunday, January 22, 2006

最近听到 S.H.E 的新歌《月桂女神》很喜欢这首歌 所以找了这首歌背后的传说。

希腊神话中 由于被爱神 丘比特的捉弄
但达芙妮却选择追求 自我与自由
The Myth of Daphne & Apollo can be found in Ovid's Metamorphoses book one.

Here is a summary of the myth:

Daphne was a nymph in Artemis's group who, along with all other nymphs, made a vow of chastity. Her father was Peneus, a river god. Apollo was the god of light, music, youthfulness, science, healing, and music. He was commonly seen with a lyre and skilled in the bow and arrow, much like his twin sister Artemis. Their parents were Zeus and Leta (a mortal woman).

Daphne was Apollo's first love, but it was caused by Eros's (Cupid's) arrrow. Apollo had insulted Eros, saying that he was better at the bow than he. So Eros sent two arrows, one with a blunt end tipped in lead that made people reject the first person they saw. The other arrow, a sharp one tipped in gold, made that person fall in love. With the lead arrow, he hit Daphne, and with the golden arrow, he hit Apollo. Now Apollo is aflame with love for Daphne and thus he pursues her. However, Daphne is disgusted by even his name, for she only wants to run free with the animals and has no need for marriage.

Apollo runs after Daphne, telling her to come back, and fears that she will fall and harm her faultless body. He says that he is a worthy lover since he is Zeus's son and says there is no herb that can cure his passion, even though he is god of medicine. But she flees and he keeps chasing her, and he is faster. She can feel his breath and knows he is getting closer so she prays to her father, a river-god, to tranform her shape into something less desirable. As she speaks, she is transformed into a laurel tree. However, Apollo still loves her, and clasps the tree as if it were her. Therefore, he names the laurel tree his and is now always seen with a crown of laurel leaves around his head, lyre, and quiver. All the Roman generals from henceforth wear laurel garlands when they celebrate victory. As Apollo declared this, the laurel nodded as if it agreed.

歌手:s.h.e 专辑:不想长大

传说漫长 浩瀚如史诗般 记载这段惶惶不安
颜色金黄 阿波罗的光芒 却比不上达芙妮的勇敢
没有一种爱 可以在自由之上
达芙妮的伤 化身 月桂树倔强
月桂树漂香 那夜风恋月光
素净的脸上 从不抹浓妆 坚持自己 喜欢

月桂树漂香 云缠绕星光
我要有 话就讲
无边的海洋 那辽阔的想像
森林河畔 阿波罗在追赶哭著
被束缚的爱 已经没有了 温暖

达芙妮的伤心疼 千年间流传
爱摇晃 爱靠岸

Saturday, January 21, 2006

For the past few days a lot of unexpected things happened. Things happened without any sign. It was so overwhelming that I can hardly accept it.
我想我还是无法接受所发生的一切。有时候,会觉得心里空荡荡的很不踏实。 这种感觉就好像遗失了设么重要的东西可是又不知道自己弄不见了设么。 也许是我拥有的太多又不舍得放弃 所以已经满满的手根本无法去握住设么。
但我的心却意识到 我错过的一切 所以它会发出那种心痛的呼号。

所以这一次我下定决心不要再害怕了 无论在前方等待着我的是设么 我也不要在原地踏步了 不要再害怕失去就会拥有前进的力量。

To Dearest Jing
All the best to your future undertaking! 无论你在那里我都会为你祝福

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

天灰 by S.H.E
如果你不再出现 我的世界还有什么可贵
可惜不够时间 让我们试验什么叫永远
想念变成怀念 心动变成心碎 偏偏还会关切 你最后属于谁
我的天空 今天有点灰
我的心是个落叶的季节 我不知道 如何度过今夜
可惜残忍时间 总要把诺言一点点摧毁

Saturday, January 14, 2006

雨天往往会带给人们一丝丝的伤感,一点点的惆怅。所以雨季给人的感觉总是忧伤的。但我就是一个喜欢雨天的女孩 也许是因为它给人的那种感觉。

我喜欢坐在窗边一面发呆,一面看着雨滴徐徐落下。在雨水的洗礼下,一切变得很洁净。人的心也一样,在泪水的洗礼下 我们会看得更清楚。伤心与快乐是分不开的 就像光明与黑暗一样。天亮了之后就是黑夜的到来。被伤了心以后 迎面而来的就是快乐。

所以无论是快乐还是悲伤 我都会用心去接受一切。

Because if there is only happiness in one life, it will never be complete. Life should consist of lots of different emotions so that even when we are growing older, our heart will never be empty.

Another one of my fav. ktv song..
Lazy to update today..
enjoy the song

Thursday, January 12, 2006

The weather is starting to get into me despite my love for rainy day. Too much of something is not always good, started to feel so very lazy. Worse still, such weather never failed to bring along some degree of sadness. And the coldness from the drop of temperature chilled me further. With such promising conditions, tears can be trigger very easily.

However, there are always some ways to combat such effects:
1. Chocolate
A universe mood boosting medicine. Never fails to bring sweetness. All I can think of is chocolate Fondue!!

2. A good Movie
A sad movie that can drain out all the tears plus a promising sleep.

Listen to the song by 范晓宣.

我怀念有一年的夏天 一场大雨把你留在我身边

那时我们被困在路边 世界不过是一个小小屋檐
你说如果雨一直下到明天 我们就厮守到永远

Rain...falling in my heart

世界改变你也改变 我在海角天边
Rain...falling in my heart

你的诺言虽然没有实现 爱是雨点落在昨天

p/s: This the song i am taking about when you were trap in the rain.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


因为对不起这三个字说起来很简单 可是却一点都没有意义。 如果你都不知道自己要的是设么 那你又对不起我设么! 我清楚地知道你也无能为力 所以不要说对不起这三个字。Don’t feel sorry. Just find out What you really want and go for it. 不要拖拖拉拉 纠缠不清了。
Actually, 这一切都很简单 只是 爱和不爱的问题。你并没对不起我 因为你没有骗过我 从一开始你 就已经是这样了。其实你已经有了答案。。。

每个人对待爱情的看法都不一样 对我来说 只有爱还是不爱 不会有灰色地带。

Love this song <别说对不起> by S.H.E

Went for secondary school gathering yesterday. 每个人都改变了,长大了。以前那无忧无虑的日子过去了。现在的我们都老了,不再是那十七 十八岁青年 做设么都回三思而行。Sometime, I will miss those day where we can do anything our heart desire…we don’t have to think about our responsibility. The one and only responsibility we had is to STUDY. Now, all we talk about is work and life. The happiness moment was when we recall our common memories together. However, I believe that all of us are also looking forward to our undisclosed future…may our future be as bright and as charming.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

有没有一个人 一直默默地为你付出,为你设想。
他从来也不会问你设麽 就只是用他自己温柔的方法为你做一些小小的事情。
他只会用眼睛去观察你的喜好 然后把一切放在心里。看到你很晚了还没睡 明天就会automatically给你morning call 。看到你不开心就会想办法逗你笑。

这样的一个好男人,朋友都希望你能接受他 但是你就是无法爱上他。
This type of love is a burden to you because u can never return him what he is searching for.

虽然真得很像跟他做好朋友。 但是你不可以对他好 因为会给他不存在的希望。
对于爱情我很执著。爱就是爱 不爱就是使不爱 there is nothing in between.


Friday, January 06, 2006

这样一个人并不难寻找 可能你我都已经遇上了,然而你偏偏不爱他。

爱是一种感觉,不爱是一个事实。我可以说出很多不爱你的理由 因为事实往往比较容易解释。但我就是无法说出爱你的原因。有一个这么好的人,无微不至的呵护着自己是幸福的也是可悲的。幸福的是有一个人爱着自己,不幸的是被一个自己不爱的人这么深的爱着 是痛苦又无奈的。因为你我都知道 有些事不是努力就可以的。

Good Nite ...

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Hope it rains today. Ages since i have this kind of mix feeling. What is right ? What is wrong? Why do the person u care most hurts u the most!! Lot of close friends are from suffering r/s problems recently and i just feel so sad when i saw their tears... I guess Love hurt yet we can't live without it.. Sometimes you just know that there will be no outcome but still we are unwilling to give up...holding on to miracle. Believeing that your love can overcome everything. I don't believe in trying so hard to keep a love. The person who love u shall just love you for who you are. If i have put in so much effort just to make one person fall for me; Its just too tiring. What will happened if i get tired oneday!

<bgsound src="http://www.haoting.com/user/music.asp?id=110632" loop="infinite">